Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

Wow ! Nature Vector

I found some pictures about nature. the first one is trees. let's plants trees anywhere

and then leafs. hmm .. it's so fresh

and some vector about environment

Enjoy this stuff, you can download it free. Right click and save image.

3 komentar:

  1. Tumben inggris.... wkwkwkwkkwk, daripada kek gituan, mending pohon beneran aku. Mau ngirimin pohon durian rim? Aku lagi pengen durian ini... di transfer ke rekening paypalku yah......

  2. come on.. you took it from photobucket or from some website.. it's not vector actually...
    please if you want to say "vector" study it first...

  3. Wah gambarnya bagus2 nih
    boleh copy ya
